Select Projects
Global Deposit Book: An Overview of Deposit Return Systems for Single-use Beverage Containers | Reloop Platform | 2016-2024
As Research and Analysis Manager for the Reloop Platform, Samantha has served as the lead researcher and author of Reloop’s bi-annual Global Deposit Book for five editions over eight years. This comprehensive report covers more than 55 deposit return systems (DRS) across Europe, North America, Oceania, Central America and the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East, providing an in-depth analysis of system designs, performance, and best practices. Widely regarded as a key resource for policymakers, the report supports governments worldwide in designing or modernizing DRS to align with best-practice principles and achieve higher recovery rates for single-use beverage containers.
Feasibility Study: Achieving 90% Recovery of Plastic Beverage Containers | Beverage Container Recovery Network of Canada | 2024
As the International Deposit Return System (DRS) expert for a feasibility study led by Eunomia Research and Consulting in partnership with Giroux Environmental Consulting, Samantha contributed to identifying the barriers to achieving a 90% collection rate for used plastic beverage containers across Canada. The project involved a comprehensive overview of Canadian DRS and curbside recycling systems, an analysis of material flows for plastic beverage containers, and an evaluation of international best practices. Samantha's role focused on providing insights into global best practices for high-performing DRS, reviewing the current state of Canadian DRS, and identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement (regulatory, financial, and operational) such as increasing deposit values, expanding program scope, and improvement the accessibility of return locations. This study offers actionable recommendations for advancing Canada's circular economy and sustainability objectives.
Third-Party Review of Prince Edward Island's Beverage Container Program | Government of Prince Edward Island | 2024
As a sub-consultant to Giroux Environmental Consulting (and also working with Kelleher Environmental), Samantha conducted research and analysis in support of a study which involved a detailed review of PEI’s beverage container program. The review involved a comparison of the performance, regulatory framework, operational model, and financial elements of all beverage container programs across Canada. Samantha’s role included collection of both quantitative and qualitative information on all programs, developing comparative tables, and assisting with the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of specific elements of each program as well as any lessons learned. The final report includes considerations for future direction of PEI’s beverage container program.
Processing of Non-EV Lithium-Ion Batteries at End of Life: Exploring the Current State of Operations, and Current Opportunities for Improved Circularity in Canada | Environment and Climate Change Canada | 2023-2024
In her role as a sub-consultant to Kelleher Environmental for a study commissioned by Environment and Climate Change Canada, Samantha played a key role in analyzing the existing landscape of end-of-life management for non-EV lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in Canada, with a specific emphasis on researching collection infrastructure for non-EV LIBs (including portable consumer electronics, e-bikes, power tools, small appliances, etc.) within regulated programs across the country. Her contributions included an extensive literature review, identifying barriers to LIB battery reuse/recycling/repair, and exploring innovative approaches to improve the circularity of non-EV LIBs in Canada. She actively contributed to both the research process and the report writing. The resulting report provides a robust set of recommendations to the Government of Canada for increasing LIB circular practices at the end of their life cycle.
Report on the Impact of Deposit Return Systems on Beverage Sales | Reloop Platform | 2023
As one of the lead authors, Samantha played a pivotal role in the development and execution of this groundbreaking report on the impact of deposit return systems on beverage sales. This comprehensive study by Reloop and the Container Recycling Institute uses real-world case studies and empirical data to challenge prevailing beliefs surrounding deposit systems and their potential effects on beverage sales. In addition to compiling and analyzing sales data from over a dozen deposit markets worldwide, Samantha played a key role in crafting the engaging social media assets that supported the successful launch of the report on Reloop's social media platforms.
A Roadmap to Reducing Single-use Plastic Packaging at Source | JTL Squared Consulting | 2023
As a sub-consultant to JTL Squared Consulting for a project commissioned by Oceana Canada, Samantha conducted a thorough jurisdictional scan to identify best practice policy interventions aimed at reducing single-use plastic at source. Her responsibilities included researching and analyzing various policy tools such as bans, reuse quotas, mandatory deposit systems, and recycled content standards for their effectiveness and potential application in Canada. She compiled this data into a comprehensive spreadsheet, aiding in the identification of priority single-use plastic items for targeted source reduction. Additionally, Samantha collaborated with the lead author to craft key sections of the final report.
Canadian 2020 Biogas Market Report | Canadian Biogas Association | 2021
In January 2021, the Canadian Biogas Association (CBA) commissioned Policy Integrity Inc. in association with Millette Environmental to develop the first Canadian Biogas Market Report. Using background information and data provided by the CBA, Samantha was responsible for data analysis and writing up major sections of the report, including those on biogas benefits, key regions, and industry trends. By identifying existing facilities, feed stocks, end-markets, as well as barriers to growth, the data gathered in this report establishes a baseline of Canada’s biogas market against which future progress can be measured and which can be used to support policy, program, and regulatory developments to allow the biogas and RNG sector to deliver on its full potential. The full report is available for members of the Canadian Biogas Association. A summary report can be requested by contacting the Canadian Biogas Association.
Assessment of the Used Tire Management Program | MMSB of Newfoundland and Labrador | 2021
In December 2020, the Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) of Newfoundland and Labrador hired Giroux Environmental Consulting with associates Millette Environmental and Kelleher Environmental to undertake an assessment of their used tire management program. Samantha's main responsibilities included reviewing publicly available information for tire programs across Canada, including program annual reports, business plans, program plans, program impact reviews, and government waste strategy documents, to collect and document pertinent information such as regulatory requirements, financial and performance data. Calculations to compare tire program performance were undertaken using data found in these reports, as well as data provided to the study team by MMSB. Findings from this assessment will help the MMSB evaluate the next steps for the program.
Successful Plastic Packaging Management Programs & Innovations - Task 3 Report | Washington State Dept. of Ecology | 2020
As a sub-consultant to Kelleher Environmental, Samantha was part of the Eunomia team assisting Cascadia Consulting who were commissioned by the Washington State Department of Ecology to identify policy and technology options and innovations that are available to manage plastic packaging in line with the waste hierarchy and the circular economy. Among other responsibilities, Samantha assisted in researching the current state of mechanical and chemical recycling technologies that exist to manage and process collected plastics. This involved collecting and analyzing information on technology readiness and suitability as well as feedstock requirements of technology companies identified in North America. The full report can be viewed here along with its Executive Summary.
Preliminary Resource Recovery Report Card & Gaps Assessment for Canada | Natural Resources Canada | 2020
In January 2020, NRCan contracted with Kelleher Environmental in association with Millette Environmental to research and prepare a source recovery scoping study and preliminary circular economy report card for Canada. The objective was to provide an estimate for the recovery and recycling of selected materials in Canada, using data from published sources. Samantha's main responsibilities included gathering recovery and recycling data from recent reports and studies, articles in trade journals, and other sources of information to quantify current recycling efforts in Canada for various materials (e.g. paper, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, glass, plastics, food and yard waste, lumber, wood and drywall), products (e.g. auto hulks, tires, electronics, batteries), and industrial residuals (e.g. coal combustion products, wood ash, etc.). Download the full report here. A summary of the report is also available, which you can download here.
Benchmarking Alberta's Stewardship Programs for Tires, Electronics, Paint and Oil | Alberta Recycling | 2019-2020
In August 2019, Millette Environmental was engaged by Kelleher Environmental to undertake research and analysis for a study for Alberta Recycling, which involved updating the April 2018 benchmarking report that compared the performance of Alberta stewardship programs for tires, electronics, and paint with EPR programs across Canada for the same materials, using standard KPIs such as kg/capita recovered and $/kg recovered. This second benchmarking report includes two additional years of data (for a total of eight years, 2011-2018) and also includes a comparison of used oil program performance.
State of Play Report for CCME Phase 1 Action - Facilitate Consistent EPR Programs for Plastic Products | Environment and Climate Change Canada | 2019
For a project for ECCC, Samantha was hired as a sub-contractor by Duncan Bury Consulting to develop a series of maps and tables to summarize what types of plastic products, components, and packaging are covered by existing EPR programs and alternative programs (e.g. stewardship, bottle deposit, etc.) across Canada. Samantha’s responsibilities also included researching end-markets and processes for the various recycled plastic resins in each province, as well as a general overview of plastic markets and challenges. This information formed part of a State of Play report, which will help to inform the development of federal measures to facilitate consistent EPR programs that drive zero plastic waste in the circular economy.
Data Measurement Approach - 5 Year Review and Update of the SM4RT Living Plan | Region of York | 2019
Working with lead firm Policy Integrity Inc., Millette Environmental carried out primary and secondary research to assist the Region of York in understanding how and what waste management data is gathered, tracked, and reported as part of the update of its SM4RT Living Plan. The final report will include a recommended implementation plan related to data tracking, performance measurement, and a reporting methodology both for internal use and for Regional Council.
Blog Articles | Continuous Improvement Fund | 2019
In July 2019, Samantha was hired by the CIF to provide technical and analytical support, including developing and writing articles on various Blue Box related topics for its CIF Connections Blog.
A Review of Agricultural Waste Management Frameworks | Government of Northwest Territories | 2019
In February 2019, Giroux Environmental Consulting hired Samantha to provide research support for a study for the Government of Northwest Territories, which identified gaps in existing regulatory controls in the current policy framework of the GNWT with respect to the agriculture and fisheries production sectors of NWT. Samantha’s involvement in the project consisted of a jurisdictional scan of each province and territory to identify legislation, regulations, standards or guidance relating to agricultural amendments (waste—derived amendments such as manure, sewage biosolids, biochar, plant residues, wood ash, composted food waste) and their provisions relating to environmental and human health protection. The information collected was organized into a table by sub-sector and used for analysis purposes by other team members.
Primer on Clean Technologies and Innovative Approaches to Sort, Process, Treat, and Convert Plastic Waste for Reintroduction in the Circular Economy | Environment & Climate Change Canada | 2019
In January 2019, Samantha was hired by Kelleher Environmental to conduct research and assist in the development of an inventory of existing plastics related cleantech companies in Canada. The research involved gathering all available information on these companies, including: company contact information; materials handled and processed; processing capacity; product end-markets; expansion plans; etc. Information on future prospects or other companies entering the market in Canada and elsewhere was also reviewed. The information compiled was entered into an Excel database and summarized in a primer which will serve as a resource document for Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) staff as they develop plans and communicate with stakeholders both within government and externally on promoting and supporting the plastics cleantech space.
Research Study on Reuse and Recycling of Batteries Employed in Electric Vehicles | API | 2019
As a sub-contractor to Kelleher Environmental, Samantha provided extensive research and writing support for a study to provide the American Petroleum Institute (API) with a better understanding of the potential technical, environmental, energy, and cost issues associated with battery recycling and second-life uses that may arise from the growth in electric vehicles over the next two decades. Among other responsibilities, Samantha’s involvement in the project included researching the current landscape for sales of EVs in the US as well as projections of quantities and types of EVs sold over the next decade; key players involved in the EV battery supply chain; current EV battery designs and composition as well as new developments; current and near future reuse (including for energy storage and back up power) and recycling activities and technologies; end-markets for by-products from recycled EV batteries; existing and announced EV or battery initiatives and/or commitments by EV battery or carmakers; regulatory or other barriers/motivators to EV battery recycling or reuse; and economics of EV battery recycling and reuse. A high-level summary of the full report can be viewed here.
Solid Waste Management in Canadian Municipalities: A Snapshot | Federation of Canadian Municipalities | 2018-2019
For a project for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Envirings Inc. commissioned Millette Environmental to carry out research to identify and document leading-edge best practices or innovations implemented by Canadian municipalities in the area of municipal solid waste management including diversion, waste reduction, circular economy drivers, and/or new technologies, that have the potential to be replicable in other municipalities. The research involved an extensive literature review and documenting information on innovative practices with details such as what kind of impact they had on the environment, innovative financing models used to fund the project, etc.
Quantifying the Economic Value of Alberta's Recycling Programs and Developing Strategic Performance Measures and Indicators for Alberta's Beverage Container Recycling Program | Recycling Council of Alberta | 2018-2019
Working as a sub-consultant to lead firms Kelleher Environmental and Eunomia Research and Consulting, Samantha provided research support for a study for the Recycling Council of Alberta, which quantified the economic value of Alberta’s current recycling programs, as well as the potential economic value that could be created by expanding these programs or adding new ones. Samantha's main responsibilities included conducting a literature review to identify and compile a master list of performance measures and indicators for Alberta’s existing stewardship programs (e.g. beverage containers, used oil, tires, paint, electronics); compiling information on best practices to divert these materials employed in other jurisdictions; and summarizing information from other studies that quantified the employment and economic impacts of recycling programs.
Global School Battery Recycling Program Research Study | Call2Recycle | 2018-2019
In December 2018, Kelleher Environmental in association with Millette Environmental was commissioned to undertake research to help Call2Recycle develop an understanding of best practices on battery recycling programs in schools. The project involved carrying out extensive research on school battery recycling programs around the globe, with a focus on Canada, the US, and Europe, to identify the range of approaches used and the level of success of different approaches. A series of case studies was developed documenting for each of the profiled programs: target age groups and school grades, promotion and education methods, motivators for the programs and performance measured, the extent to which the school based programs contributed to regulated targets, etc.
Report on Declining Tonnes of Electronics Collected in Regulated Stewardship Programs | Alberta Recycling | 2018-2019
In late 2018, Alberta Recycling commissioned Kelleher Environmental in association with Millette Environmental to prepare a research report that compiles data from other electronics programs in Canada, the US and Europe to identify patterns in the amount of end-of-life electronics collected in these programs over time. The research conclusively showed that electronics recycling programs around the world, and not only in Alberta, are experiencing declining tonnages, and that this trend is a result of a number of factors that have occurred within the last ten years, including changes in the way electronics are consumed, product light-weighting and miniaturization, and device convergence. The report also examined the implications of declining electronics tonnages on performance metrics and electronics programs in general.
Estimate of Reuse in Metro Vancouver | Metro Vancouver | 2018
Working with lead firms Kelleher Environmental and Maura Walker & Associates, Samantha undertook extensive secondary research to help estimate reuse activities in Metro Vancouver in order to add this estimate to the region’s Recycling and Solid Waste Management Annual Summary. This task involved compiling information from a number of resources including websites, news articles, and trade journals, as well as reports on various aspects of reuse either commissioned by Metro Vancouver or released by private sector or not-for-profit organizations involved in reuse. This research was used to develop reuse estimates for Metro Vancouver for 2017 for each material category in a way that can be replicated by Metro Vancouver staff in future years.
Green Bin Status and Sourcing Study | Confidential Client | 2018
Samantha was contracted by Kelleher Environmental to provide research, analysis, and writing support for a Green Bin Material Status and Sourcing Study that would address the availability or Green Bin organics as potential feedstock for a proposed 70,000 tonne/year anaerobic digestion facility in Ontario, Canada. The report identified a number of municipalities that could serve as possible “opportunity sites” for the client based on a several factors including population household numbers, distance from the proposed facility, tonnages collected in existing Green Bin programs, and potential tonnages that could be collected from future Green Bin programs within the study area. Available disposal information for all communities in the study area (e.g. disposal contract rates, tipping fees, location of disposal facilities) was also included in the report.
Future Blue Bin Study: Lifestyle and Packaging Trends Research | City of Toronto | 2018
Samantha was hired by Kelleher Environmental to undertake research and analysis required for the Future Blue Bin Study (commissioned by the City of Toronto), which involved an extensive literature search to identify demographic, socio-economic, and packaging trends that could impact the quantity and composition of packaging and printed paper in the city’s Blue Bin system over the coming years. Examples of trends identified included aging of the Canadian population; a rise in single-person households; increase in high-rise apartments; growing size of the Millenial generation; rise of Internet sales and online grocery delivery services; increase in snacking and other changing meal patterns; and increasing consumer demand for convenience. In addition to identifying the trends currently experienced in the Blue Bin, the report also identified the likely scenario for each material category by 2025.
Policy Options to Address the Collection and Recycling of Batteries Included in Consumer Products | Call2Recycle | 2017-2018
As a sub-contractor to Kelleher Environmental, Samantha provided research and writing support for a Call2Recycle study that explored different policy options to address the end-of-life management of consumer batteries included in products such as WEEE, and to determine the potential implications, particularly the environmental impacts, of different policy approaches. The research involved an extensive literature review, web-related research, and interviews with battery manufacturers, government officials, and stakeholders within the recycling, reuse and refurbishment business.
Market Opportunity Assessment for an Organics-to-Biogas Facility in Ontario | Confidential Client| 2017
For a confidential client, Samantha was contracted to carry out research to identify whether there was a market opportunity for the client to construct and operate a biogas facility in Ontario for the processing of source separated organic waste. The report identified a number of municipalities, or collective of municipalities, that could serve as possible “opportunity sites” for the client based on their population, distance to existing facilities, and access to natural gas.
Series of Factsheets on Deposit Return Systems | Reloop Platform & CM Consulting | 2017-Ongoing
Hired by Reloop Platform (a European non-profit organization) to prepare a series of factsheets to help promote understanding of some of the various aspects of deposit-return schemes for beverage containers, including handling fees, system performance, and the economic impact on municipalities. These factsheets have proved to be an essential reference guide for campaigners making their case for deposit legislation in their respective jurisdictions.
Development and Evaluation of Incentive Approaches to Increase Recovery of Pesticide Containers | CleanFARMS | 2017-2018
As a sub-contractor to Kelleher Environmental, Samantha provided research and writing support for a study to identify and evaluate options to increase the recovery of small pesticide containers in the CleanFARMS program from the current rate of 60% to 65%. Four options were considered, including a deposit refund system, on-farm pickup for large quantities of small pesticide containers, a “million container challenge”, and collection site incentives provided to municipalities and retailers. For each incentive option, experience from other programs both in Canada and internationally was used to estimate high level costs, identify administrative requirements, and estimate potential recovery performance.
Study to Define Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Recyclable Material | Environment & Climate Change Canada | 2017-2018
For Environment and Climate Change Canada, Giroux Environmental Consulting contracted Millette Environmental to carry out research for a study to review options for defining hazardous waste and hazardous recyclable material under Canada's Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations. The research involved compiling information on the various approaches used in other jurisdictions, both domestically and internationally, and comparing these approaches. Recommendations and policy options will be developed for the department in early 2018.
Ontario Targets for Printed Paper & Packaging | Association of Municipalities Ontario | May-August 2017
As a sub-contractor to Love Environment, Samantha Millette provided research and writing support for a two-part study that will assist AMO and the Municipal Resource Recovery and Research Collaborative (M3RC) in making recommendations to MOECC and RPRA on the development of targets for PPP in Ontario. Samantha was mainly responsible for conducting a comprehensive scan of jurisdictions with well-developed EPR programs for PPP in order to determine how reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery targets for these programs are designed, implemented and overseen.
Deposit-Return Campaign Advisor | Confidential Client | 2016-2017
For a confidential client, Samantha was contracted to develop communication materials in support of various deposit-return campaigns, particularly those in the U.S. This work includes writing and developing background pieces, fact sheets, talking points, and various editorial materials which are used by state legislators, lobbyists, and the media to support their campaigns.
Biogas and Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Database | Environment and Climate Change Canada | March-May 2017​
In March 2017, Samantha was hired by Kelleher Environmental to conduct research and assist in the development of a database of the current and potential biogas sources or feedstocks in Canada. The research involved gathering all available information on biogas sources in Canada, including: the potential quantity and quality of the source; if it is currently being captured; if infrastructure to capture the biogas is in place; the technology required to capture and process the source gas (generally anaerobic digestion or gasification); percent of methane in the sources of raw biogas; etc. Information on Canada's energy sources and energy demand was also reviewed. The information compiled was organized by source type into an Excel database and provided to ECCC for future use as input to a larger RNG project.
Third-Party Review of Funding for Operation and Maintenance of On-Reserve Waste Management Infrastructure and Related Assets | Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada | February-March 2017​
Working with lead firms Kelleher Environmental and Sonnevera International Corp., Samantha undertook extensive secondary research to help identify typical operation and maintenance costs (O&M) of waste management systems in First Nations and other small communities throughout Canada. This task involved identifying classes of INAC-funded waste-related assets and identifying O&M activities needed to maintain these assets. This research was used to develop formulae to calculate adequate levels of annual funding for ongoing O&M costs related to waste management on reserve, and to provide recommendations on how the funding should be allocated among the communities applying to the program.
A Study to Inform the Designation of New Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Materials in Ontario | Ministry of Environment & Climate Change | 2017​
Samantha was part of a consulting team hired by the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to conduct a study to assist the ministry to better understand the management of some municipal hazardous or special waste materials (fluorescent lights or tubes; other lighting; rechargeable batteries; switches that contain mercury; thermostats, thermometers, barometers, or other measuring devices; portable fire extinguishers; and ignitable waste and associated containers).
Samantha was heavily involved in the research aspects of this study, specifically:
-identifying who the current product producers are for the defined materials;
-gathering data (where available) on the quantity of study materials sold and generated in Ontario;
-gathering information on and summarizing current management (collection and post-collection approaches);
-researching the current promotion and education activities in Ontario with regard to product collection and diversion;
-carrying out a jurisdictional scan to quantify accessibility, collection methods, and diversion results achieved in the programs of other jurisdictions
Recycling Contingencies for Extraordinary Events | Metro Vancouver Solid Waste Department | 2016-2017​
As a sub-consultant to Kelleher Environmental, provided research and writing support for a study that evaluated vulnerabilities and the level of risk associated with different market disruptions in the Metro Vancouver waste management system. The study identified policies and actions required to put contingencies in place to address future recycling processing or market disruptions. Policy options that could reduce risk were also evaluated.
A Study to Inform the Designation of New Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Ontario | Ministry of Environment & Climate Change | 2017
Samantha was part of a consulting team hired by the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to conduct a study to assist the ministry to better understand the management of some waste electrical and electronic equipment (small and large household appliances; toys; and power tools).
Samantha was heavily involved in the research aspects of this study, specifically:
-identifying who the current product producers are for the defined materials;
-gathering data (where available) on the quantity of study materials sold and generated in Ontario;
-gathering information on and summarizing current management (collection and post-collection approaches);
-researching the current promotion and education activities in Ontario with regard to product collection and diversion;
-carrying out a jurisdictional scan to quantify accessibility, collection methods, and diversion results achieved in the programs of other jurisdictions
Who Pays What: An Analysis of Beverage Container Collection & Costs in Canada | CM Consulting Inc. | 2014, 2016, 2018
Published bi-annually, Who Pays What is embraced as an essential resource for government as well as professionals in the beverage industry and recycling field. Key responsibilities for this project included providing research, writing, and editing support to CM Consulting, as well as the creation of a final audio-visual presentation summarizing key findings. To view the full report, visit
Standard Operating Procedure for Obsolete Pesticides Collection Program | Kelleher Environmental | 2016 ​
Working as a sub-contractor to Kelleher Environmental, contributed to the development of a Standard Operating Procedure for setting up and implementing CleanFARMS’ obsolete pesticide collection program. Part of the project also involved conducting a contingency fund analysis to determine what percentage of annual operating costs should be set aside as a contingency to ensure long-term sustainability of the program.
Benchmarking & Performance Indicators for Tires, Electronics, and Paint Stewardship Programs | Alberta Recycling | 2016-2018
Millette Environmental was hired by Kelleher Environmental to undertake research and analysis required for this study, which involved comparing the performance of Alberta stewardship programs for tires, electronics and paint with EPR programs across Canada for the same materials, using standard performance indicators such as kg/capita recovered; program costs ($)/capita; and $/kg managed; accessibility, public acceptablity and other metrics/KPIs typically used to compare EPR programs. A second component of this study is to perform a comprehensive jurisdictional scan to identify other KPIs used by EPR programs worldwide and identify those KPIs suitable for use in Alberta.
US Consumer Battery Sales & Available for Collection (2014-2020) | Call2Recycle, Inc. | 2015-2016
With lead firm Kelleher Environmental, Millette Environmental contributed to research and analysis related to US battery sales and available for collection. This report provides insights into:
a. The estimated number and weight of consumer batteries sold into the US market
b. How long batteries remain in the market (lifecycle impact)
c. The impact that embedded (non-removable) batteries play in the evolution of battery recycling
d. The estimated weight of batteries that are available for collection, and ultimately recycling
1st Annual State of Waste in Ontario: Organics Report | Ontario Waste Management Association | 2016
Contracted to develop the first annual State of Waste in Ontario: Organics Report, using data provided by OWMA. This report presents the most up-to-date (2014) data on organics processing facilities in Ontario, including information on:
number of facilities, broken down by type (i.e. compost (in-vessel vs. windrow), anaerobic digestion facilities (on-farm vs. off-farm) and by ownership (public vs. private);
approved processing capacity, broken out by facility type and ownership
tonnage of waste processed by facility
1st Annual State of Waste in Ontario: Landfill Report | Ontario Waste Management Association | 2016
This report presents the most up-to-date (2014) data on landfills in Ontario, including information on:
number of facilities, broken down by private and public-sector ownership, active vs. closed, and facility type (e.g. federal, provincial, municipal, First Nation, etc.);
remaining capacity
tonnage of waste disposed by Ontario (including domestic and export)
financial assurance
In addition to assisting in the writing and editing of the final draft, Millette Environmental created supporting graphs, charts, etc., to visually represent the data being presented.
Position Paper on European Commission's Legislative Proposals on Waste | Reloop Platform | 2016
Assisted in the preparation of a position paper outlining the organization's views on several critical elements of the legislative proposals of the Circular Economy package, as well as the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy, each of which are priority areas of concern for Reloop. This purpose of this position paper is to present the European Council & Parliament with recommendations and suggestions for improvements to the CEP that would significantly strengthen Europe’s efforts in the transition towards a true circular economy.
A Canadian Products Registry | Environment Canada | 2015-2016
SAMI Environmental was part of a consulting team (led by Giroux Environmental Consulting, and in association with Duncan Bury Consulting) contracted by Environment Canada to explore the design and use of product registries in Scandinavian countries and to determine how such registries could be implemented in Canada.
Municipality of Trent Lakes Waste Management Plan | Municipality of Trent Lakes | 2015​
As a sub-consultant to CM Consulting Inc. and Cambium Inc., provided research, analysis, technical writing, and editing support for the development of a waste management master plan for the Municipality of Trent Lakes, ON.
Top 10 Priorities for EU Circular Economy Package | Reloop Platform | 2015​
Contracted by Clarissa Morawski (Managing Director of Reloop) to assist in the preparation and editing of a position paper outlining the non-profit organization's key priorities to be considered in the development of the European Union's circular economy package. The position paper was released in June 2015 and can be downloaded here:
Rethink Organic Waste: A Circular Strategy for Organics | Ontario Waste Management Association | 2015​
In April 2015, Millette Environmental was contracted by the Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA) to assist in the research, writing and editing of a policy report entitled "ReThink Organic Waste: A Circular Strategy for Organics." The report, which addresses one of the largest components of Ontario's waste stream (i.e. organics), sets a path forward for government by offering 11 recommendations for addressing organic wastes in a way that is in line with circular economic thinking.
Characterization and Management of Construction and Demolition (CRD) Waste in Canada - Foundation Document | Environment Canada | 2015​
Worked as a sub-consultant to Kelleher Environmental and Guy Perry & Associates, members of a Project Team commissioned to gather current available information concerning the characterization and management of CRD waste in Canada. Main responsibilities involved data collection. This work supports efforts by Environment Canada and other interested stakeholders to improve knowledge of Substances of Interest in CRD waste relating to the Chemical Management Plan. The work examines current CRD management approaches and best practices in Canada, CRD waste recycling and disposal infrastructure in Canada and existing markets for recovered CRD waste materials.
Environmentally Sound Management of End-of-Life Batteries from Electric Drive Vehicles in North America | Commission for Environmental Cooperation | 2014-2015​
Working in collaboration with Kelleher Environmental, Gracestone Inc., and Jose Castro Diaz, Millette Environmental provided key research and writing support for this study, which examines how EDV batteries are currently managed at end-of-life across North America to best protect human health and the environment.
Environmentally Sound Management of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries in North America | Commission for Environmental Cooperation | 2014-2015​
Member of a project team commissioned by the CEC to develop a set of technical guidelines that would identify and consolidate environmentally sound management practices and technologies for recycling spent lead-acid batteries (SLABs) in North America. As a sub-consultant to CM Consulting (lead consultant and project manager), Millette Environmental's key responsibilities included: developing an inventory of key stakeholders affected; researching existing technical guidelines, EHSM standards, and legislative requirements for SLAB recycling; consolidating stakeholders comments received on the initial drafts and ensuring that each comment was addressed in some way; revising drafts based on comments received from both stakeholders and the working group; participating in monthly conference calls with the Working Group and preparing meeting minutes; and editing the final document for grammar, spelling, and overall flow/style.
Long-Term Waste Management Strategy | City of Toronto | 2014-2016​
During 2014-15, worked as a sub-contractor to Kelleher Environmental (part of the HDR team) in the development of a long-range (25 year) waste management plan for the City of Toronto. Was responsible for working with Kelleher Environmental on the waste diversion and extended producer responsibility components of this plan, including research on IC&I and multi-residential waste management in cities across North America.
Study of Chemicals in Products (CIP) Management in Scandinavian Countries | Environment Canada | 2014​
Contracted by Duncan Bury Consulting to undertake research and assist in the the preparation of a final report which profiled and analyzed chemicals in product management regulations, policies and programs in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland, with a view to identifying the kind of initiatives that might support Canadian priorities regarding substances of concern.
Technical Guide: Recycling Process, Audit, and Verification Guideline for Ontario | Canadian Standards Association | 2013-2014​
As a sub-consultant to CM Consulting, assisted in the development of a draft recycling, audit, and verification guideline for Ontario. Was responsible for providing writing support and for conducting research into best practices. More information on the guideline can be found here: